Tuesday 10 July 2012

Being Good Enough : Session 8

The session explores making covers for our books, completing figures of ourselves, or creating environments to tell a story.  Talk turns to relationships between our thoughts, well-being, concerns for others...hopes and dreams, challenges of mothering, of sometimes having to walk away.  There is a thought trail about being simply a good enough mother.  One mum had phoned to say she was having a bad day and felt she could not attend...so for the those that cannot be there, we create a thought wish for them to be well.  Talk turns to mother & child, the madonna, the nature of post-natal depression, expectations, guilt, plans for the future, new opportunities, body image etc.  I show my shoe box shrine with strange looking figure with a rather large eye and an odd shaped baby in a sea shell...hmm, is the comment, she's rather ugly!  A poem is shared about being a mother.
"Mummy is my name"...

There is a conversation around possibilities for the future...but for some there are no plans, no real change, just this time and space to create a feeling of relaxation, creativity and well-being.  We touch on what we could imagine happening in the future, whilst making paper mache dolls, small shrines, creating a fairy bottle red velvet wrapped person with poetic message, together with the making a one woman boat to celebrate a new phase.  Meanwhile, there is an agreement that a camera or digital tablet could temporarily hang off the ceiling to take photo documentation of all the colourful creative stories that are unfolding. 
She said.."This sets me up for the week!"

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